Class 4 Visits Orphanage

Class 4 pupils of the Ridge School, in the company of their class teacher, Mr. Samuel Oduro and Mrs. Joyce Otu, on Friday, 16th June 2017, visited the Kumasi Children’s Home. The visit is an annual event the class organises as part of their social responsibility and

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Hadassah Retold…

All through time, God has never ceased to demonstrate his redemptive grace to humans, especially to the people He loves. As a parallel to the Christmas story which introduces Christ at his birth as the saviour of the world, Primary 4 & 5 pupils of

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Family Night 2020

Family Night 2020 was held on 7th February and offered us the opportunity to come together as a family to have fun and raise funds for the installation of AstroTurf on the football field. Parents, staff, aunties, uncles, grandparents, students; both present and past were

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